Traditional worship
Progressive views


We are a diverse group of people who celebrate
the worth, dignity, and gifts of every person as a child of God
and invite all into the full life of the church.

We welcome all people, and celebrate
all genders, races, ages, cultures, ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations,
economic circumstances, family configurations, or differences of ability.

Wherever you are in your journey or whatever questions you may be asking…
No matter what other churches have told you…
We’re asking questions and learning together how to follow Jesus.


7:45 am Contemplative Eucharist
A spoken service without music using contemporary language.

9:00 am All ages Eucharist
All ages shorter services service with words and music adapted for every age group.

11:00 am Holy Eucharist
Our traditional service of Holy Eucharist with hymns and our choir.

12: 15 pm Holy Eucharist and Healing Service
Holy Eucharist that includes prayers for healing of body, mind, or soul.