Pastoral Care is the shared responsibility of clergy and laity. Although many pastoral care actions are handled by the rector or assigned groups, the role of every person in the parish is important as we are all called to love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:31). If you are interested in involvement in any of the pastoral care ministries shown below, contact Annette Cook and Kerry Suggs, Chairpersons.

To add someone to the weekly public prayer list found in the Sunday bulletin, call the church office.

If you would like someone added to the confidential Prayer List and Daughters of the King list, contact the Rev. Denise Ronn.


Care Cards — Pastoral Care cards are sent to people who experience difficulties (illness, death, hurt) as well as to those experiencing the positive (graduations, births, marriages, etc).

Eucharistic Visitors — Commissioned individuals take the Body and Blood of Christ to members who are unable to attend services due to health or other reasons.

Home/Nursing Home Visitation — Visits and calls are conducted by the Rector and Pastoral Care members to offer support and encouragement. To request a visit, contact the church office.


Meal Ministry/Care Calendar — Meal Teams share the responsibility for preparing and delivering meals to those in need. For long-term illnesses, an on-line care calendar is utilized.

Flower Deliveries — The Flower Guild prepares vases of flowers for Pastoral Care Members to deliver to those who are homebound, in the hospital, or otherwise need our care and concern.

Doorknob Delivery Ministry — As a token of care and concern, gift bags are dropped off to parishioners who may be experiencing challenges.

Baskets at Easter and Christmas – Baskets are prepared and delivered to the elderly, those who are ill and/or are in nursing homes.


Daughters of the King — This spiritual sisterhood of women, dedicated to a life of prayer, service and evangelism, prays for the needs of the parish.

Other Offerings

New Baby Welcome — New Baby Signs are placed in the yards of homes with new babies. Episcopal/faith based gift baskets are also prepared for all new babies.

Prayer Shawl/Baby Blanket Ministry — Prayer Shawl members prepare prayer shawls and baby blankets. Shawls are blessed and then kept in Mother Mary’s office. Contact the church office to obtain one.

The Episcopal Church of the Ascension of Cartersville, Georgia