In 2018 our church worshiped 169 times on Saturdays and Sundays. There were numerous other services as well including the weekly service of healing, six funerals, 3 weddings and a few other miscellaneous week day services. Worship is important to this congregation. In fact, I might even observe that worship is central to your lives. So, let us know what is important to you about worship. Let us also know what you bring to worship. Not all the joy is already here in the nave but reflects what you bring with you to worship. Even as life presents in all its delight, trials and losses, God meets you where you are. And when you depart, it is our hope that you feel a deeper bond to God in Christ Jesus who longs for you to have everything you need– in abundance–to meet the days to come.
If you are not yet part of a ministry at Ascension, consider participating in one of our worship ministries. Contact one of the ministry leaders listed below for more information.
Vergers, Lectors, and Eucharistic Visitors: Erle Newton, II or Linda Hamilton
Organist/Choir Master: Herbert Buffington
Eucharistic Ministers: Linda Hamilton
St. Cecilia Children/Youth Choir: Angee McKee and Herbert Buffington
Acolytes: Jamie Hamilton
Ushers: Keith Martin
Altar Guild: Marcia Humphreys
Flower Guild: Susan McLeod or Linda Hamilton
Erle Newton, II, Senior Warden
Worship & Liturgy
Flower Guild
Altar Guild
Eucharistic Ministers